How To Help
- The most important thing you can do is add your name to The Wall (NOTE: currently our WALL is down and out of order due to business support servers)
If you are a supporter in spirit we appreciate that.
If you are a SURVIVOR this is a way for you to tell the world or even tell your story anonymously or otherwise.
If you are currently a victim this can be a first step towards help & healing.
The second most helpful way you can support is to take a copy of our
Day of the Child "Supporter" logo and add it to your website. Use it to provide a link to this site.
Check for a local "ambassador" on our local listing. If there is not an ambassador in your local area, perhaps you would like to and become a local volunteer.
- Help to get the word out. Email friends and coworkers and send them to this site.
Use the power of our Radio database to contact your local Radio Stations (Country & Adult Contemporary) and request our new anthem, "SURVIVOR". Also, please update us with any email addresses you can find that aren't already displayed; then email us and let us know so we can update the database for everyone.
- Join with us in supporting a nationwide April release of a new child abuse anthem designed to raise awareness for Survivors of child abuse.
- What else can you do? Some suggestions:
Contact the radio stations in your area. Tell them you would like them to participate in Day of the Child this April (child abuse prevention month) and again on December 1st. Go to Media
Contact your local television stations. Your cable operator. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Call your favorite talk show and spread the word.Go to Media
- Organize a Day of the Child event in your local community to raise awareness or raise funds for your local child abuse agency.
- Tell others to come to this website to learn more about Survivors of child abuse throughout 2003.
Our mascot "Bear" runs the New York Marathon
Offer moral support to Dr. Becky as she and our mascot "Bear" run the New York Marathon
Hold a candlelight vigil at your City Hall during the month of April or on Dec 1st... Or at your local church or temple.
- On December 1st, drive with your headlights on and ask your friends to do the same.
- Have your children use the "Kids" page and email/send in their drawings about child abuse.
Start wearing a ribbon to work, church and around town. When people ask about your ribbon, tell them about our website and encourage them to become involved as well.
Be creative. Take these ideas and run with them. Enter your own creative suggestions on your entry of "THE WALL".
Give a Moment of Silence or Prayer for victims and survivors of abuse
...Then let us know so the world can build upon your ideas.
We have provided some helpful suggestions for you and for organizations you may be a part of.
Fire & Police, Service Organizations, Government agencies, Retail Stores, Churches,
We have listed simple easy ways you can help as well as more detailed ways of helping. Please pick something you do WELL and incorporate that into your ideas. We need inspired local ambassadors to help. Here's your opportunity to make a real difference for the hurting children of this world. We will keep you updated on all these local events around the globe in a way which will unify this effort.
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© 2024 Day of the Child