A beautiful Proclamation was recently presented to our national office proclaiming December First (Day of the Child) an official day. You may also request a proclamation in your local or regional area. It's quite simple.
Local Area Proclamations
Local government offices routinely provide proclamations for special days in your town. We suggest you use the provided text (below) to provide the needed text to make Day of the Child an official day in your town/city. This text is provided as a way to help you word your local proclamation. This language comes from some of the past proclamations which have been issued by town councils and city governments. You have our permission to use this text or come up with your own special wording. Call your local government center to ask for the contact who handles "local event proclamations". You may copy/paste this text into your document as needed:
We encourage you to send this text to your local government office requestting a local proclamation...
Year of the Survivor
WHEREAS, DAY OF THE CHILD will make history during the year of _______, for adult SURVIVORS of child abuse everywhere through a series of worldwide and local activities designed to raise awareness and remind our community that they can help put a stop to child abuse; AND
WHEREAS, recent statistics concerning child abuse are: Over 3 million children were reported for child abuse and neglect to child protective service agencies in the United States, in 1998. Millions of adult survivors still suffer from the after effects of child abuse. The "National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse" reports that currently, Physical abuse represents 22% of confirmed cases, Sexual abuse 8%, Neglect 54%, Emotional maltreatment 4% and other forms of maltreatment 12%. About 47 out of every 1,000 children are reported as victims of child maltreatment. Overall, child abuse reporting levels have increased 41% between 1988 and 1997. No geographic setting or income level is free of child abuse and neglect; every 2 minutes a child is assaulted by one or both of their parents; Every day approximately 1000 children are abducted by one of the parents; AND
WHEREAS, Child Abuse effects all of us and it can be prevented.
NOW THEREFORE: I, _____________, mayor of the City of ______________, on behalf of its citizens, do hereby proclaim ______ (year) as "YEAR OF THE SURVIVOR" in _____________ (city) to increase the awareness of this tragedy.
Signature ________________________
Day of the Child - December 1, _____
WHEREAS, DAY OF THE CHILD will make history on December 1, _____, for children everywhere through a series of worldwide and local activities to raise awareness and remind our community that they can help put a stop to child abuse; AND
WHEREAS, recent statistics concerning child abuse are: Over 3 million children were reported for child abuse and neglect to child protective service agencies in the United States, in 1998. The "National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse" reports that currently, Physical abuse represents 22% of confirmed cases, Sexual abuse 8%, Neglect 54%, Emotional maltreatment 4% and other forms of maltreatment 12%. About 47 out of every 1,000 children are reported as victims of child maltreatment. Overall, child abuse reporting levels have increased 41% between 1988 and 1997. No geographic setting or income level is free of child abuse and neglect; every 2 minutes a child is assaulted by one or both of their parents; Every day approximately 1000 children are abducted by one of the parents; AND
WHEREAS, Child Abuse effects all of us and it can be prevented.
NOW THEREFORE: I, _____________, mayor of the City of ______________, on behalf of its citizens, do hereby proclaimMonday, December 1, _____ as "DAY OF THE CHILD" in _____________ (city) to increase the awareness of this tragedy.
Signature ________________________
© 2024 Day of the Child