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Bear at Olympics!



Where's Bear?

Olympics 2002 - Seems our cuddly mascot "Bear" gets around and these days he has been hanging out at the Olympics and with all our Olympic friends. He was so excited to be a part of the Olympic Torch run this year along with our ambassador Becky Clark (shown below). Becky was selected for the torch run due to all her participation in helping others including Day of the Child. We're quite proud of their accomplishments. She's now on tour with Bear. Becky and Bear just completed the NY Marathon for Day of the Child and are preparing for future marathons currently on the east coast. We'll keep you posted.

We thought you might enjoy seeing a few Olympic related photos as we begin the Salt Lake City winter Olympics..

Be sure to look for Bear there...

Becky and Bear agree USA is #1

Bear is such a flirt with the cute young ladies. They love him.

Here's Becky after completing her Olympic torch run for D/C

Bear hanging out with our Olympic hopefuls. What a life!


Our mascot "Bear" runs the 2001 New York Marathon

2001 Coloring Contest WINNER! Children paint a new picture of hope for Americans after the recent attacks on our nation.

 See "Milestones" for other event details


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