If you have a heritage and a faith from your youth now is the time to revisit your spiritual roots--this time as an adult. This time prepared to ask the tough questions--to challenge your faith to explain--to open the door to permitting it to meet your deepest needs, fulfill your greatest longing. If you have not had a spiritual upbringing or if you have never been able to find answers from your faith--we recommend you consider ours. It has enabled us to find joy, peace and hope in the midst of our past and current trials.
Whatever you do, may God reveal Himself to you, bless you and help you find healing.
Out of the mouth of babes
Consider the lyrics of the song "Dear Mr. Jesus" where a young child instinctively appeals to the highest power, since the world has repeatedly shown her that even a president cannot bring the type of healing she inwardly cries out for. We've received thousands of reports where children and
adults alike were brought to tears by this song. We do not see these tears as a sad reflection but as the first signs of a window to healing-- a small floodgate to a bigger river. When your spirit reaches this depth your heart begins to get in touch with your spiritual side. If you do not have your own faith you may want to consider ours...
We believe there is a God. That He is perfectly good. That He loves and cares about every person on Earth...especially children... (Matthew 19:14 Suffer the little children to come unto me.) ...and that He truly cares about YOU. That He sees every evil, hears every cry in the night, knows every dark secret. That He is perfectly fair and that He will always see that perfect justice gets done according to His own master plan (not normally our desired timetable).
We also believe that there is evil in the universe--that the perpetrator of abuse though sick, demented, pathetic, perhaps even a victim himself, has committed an act which is just plain evil (1 Tim 1:15-17).
And even though some, such as the abuser, commit much more evil than others, the Bible tells us none of us is entirely pure. Though in one area of our lives we may be entirely innocent victims there are other areas in which we are the ones falling short of God's standards. In Romans chapter 3 verse 23 the Bible explains "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God".
And isn't that so true? Though we may not all commit the "big sins" like abuse, murder and bank robbery, don't we all sometimes find ourselves speaking out in anger, gossiping about others, "borrowing" things from our employer or school, thinking evil thoughts and the like?
Now here's the really incredible part of all of this! This perfect good God ACTUALLY WANTS A RELATIONSHIP with sinful human beings like us! (Romans 5:8 But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were yet sinners).
But how could that ever happen? Can we somehow become perfectly pure and good by learning more or trying harder? No, if we are to be made pure it can only be done by God--who is absolutely, totally pure. It is a free gift He gives to all who choose to believe in Him.
And how did He do it? It wasn't easy-- and it wasn't cheap. You see, 2000 years ago God allowed His only Son, Jesus, to be tortured to death for our sin. He didn't have to-- He wanted to. Imagine that... "For God so loved the world that He sent his only Son that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life." John 3:16.
Jesus Christ, who is God in every sense (John 1:1-4), became man in order to take the punishment we deserve for our sins. He endured the worst abuse of all. Then in a demonstration of His power and greatness, and in complete fulfillment of literally hundreds of prophecies, Jesus overcame death itself by rising from the grave! Now thanks to His incredible sacrifice of love we can be viewed as pure and righteous in God's eyes. And you can have an unspeakably fantastic relationship with God--forever! If you will believe in Him you can live in Heaven with God for eternity. Heaven, a place God assures us where "there are no more tears, no more sorrow"-- a place of rest, joy, love and peace. And so you see...in God's own time...justice WILL prevail.
This overwhelming act of love is what's known as God's amazing grace--offering us not the punishment we deserve but instead eternal joy and comfort with Him.
Sounds amazing? It is. Don't know? Seems weird, too strange to be real? Then ask yourself this--what is there about what I just read that speaks to me, that reaches deep into my heart and tells me this is true? Why is it I don't understand but somehow I just know. The answer is...
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